The town of Evermore Falls,Maine was intended to be a resting harbor for ships sailing to the new North American colony and to serve as a safe place to stop and rest before sailing south to where Boston would be in modern times.There had been a rest stop there since the year of 1620 and they started building a supply fort there in 1630 along with a hospital for sick passengers on the ships.
    There were all kinds of colonial settlers coming over from Europe to start new lives in the new colonies as an escape from the wars,famines and overcrowding that was happening in Europe at that time with volcanic eruptions upsetting weather patterns enough to cause crop failures which led to famine.Others were trying to escape from serfdom,slavery and grinding poverty in their old countries of Europe.The new colonists were all coming over for the same things and those were better lives for their kids and the chance to improve things and to even build up wealth.
    Many settlers also ended up coming over for religious freedom and for a chance to practice the religion they believed in.The majority of the colonists were just looking to get a chance to build their lives up and become wealthier than they could ever hope to in the old countries.A few were just looking for a chance to be free from slavery and to live free.
    The first residential lot in Evermore Falls,Maine was placed as an empty lot for the first colonial family to be coming to settle down and make it into a town.The lot needed a few items for the new arrivals to be able to use when they arrived like brooms for transport.They would also need to have ways of getting their skills improved.They chose to provide brooms in case the first settlers were witches and they ended up being witches.The town didn't want to scare anybody away.
   There was a possibility of other types of occults like vampires, fairies and werewolves also moving into the town along with normal human residents and they were all expecting to get along and accept each other as townies.That was what the authorities in charge of allowing settlers into Evermore wanted.
   The town made sure the lot they were setting out for the first colonial settlers would have sleeping bags,brooms,table, chairs and cheap laptop computers for the new residents of that lot.They also put in two security alarms for stopping fires and robberies from affecting the family living there as they were trying to build their new lives and make a brand new start.The populations would all have to start learning to get along together and accept each other for their differences.
    The hopes for Evermore Falls,Maine to become a larger thriving town were there and that was why they decided to let settlers come there and settle down to their new lives.It was a place where there would be hope for the new settlers coming from other European countries where they faced grinding poverty,eternal serfdom and even actual slavery for some unlucky colonists if they stayed.
    The town also ended up having to put some finishing touches on the lot for their first colonial settlers to take up residence there.They wanted to make sure the residents of that lot would have everything they needed to get started in their new lives and to get settled in to life in Evermore Falls,Maine.It was one thing to have a larger sized lot without a house and another to live in a tiny starter shack on a tiny lot with no room to grow on that property.The town felt the settlers would enjoy building on a larger lot.
     The town hoped to attract young married couples who might not be quite ready to start having babies because they'd need to build their homes bigger first before starting the family.It wouldn't matter where they came from or what country they came from when they settled in Evermore Falls because that would become their home.This would be the new start a lot of colonial settlers from Europe would be looking for since they'd want to live where they didn't have to accept being born into a station in life.
    The new town was to be based on equal opportunities for anybody to be able to become rich or to become poor and be beggars if they wanted to.There would always be some who fell into poverty because they just were unlucky and things went wrong on them.


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